Where We Work
We encourage a mix of remote and in-person work where possible. We understand that we have a global team with many timezones in the mix and so have provided a few different ways you could work.
From our local ministry hub
Some people on the team work from their local ministry hub. We have desks for team members working in Orlando - USA, Auckland - New Zealand, and Addis Ababa - Ethopia. It is expected that if you are live near those hubs that you would work from that space at least some of the time to bond, connect, pray, and eat lunch together. Some local ministry hubs may co-ordinate days where they expect everyone to be present.
From home
Many people work from home most of the time where they are not located near a hub or they have a problem which requires their full attention. Please contact your team leader as they generally have budget to help outfit your home office. Getting the basics right will make a big difference: a good chair and a good desk.
From coffee shops
Working from home all the time isn’t everyone’s cup of coffee. Thus, in the pre-COVID-19 and likely post-COVID-19 vaccine era, lots of us choose to work from coffee shops or other third spaces either some of the time or a lot of the time. Great for a buzz of other people and much-needed caffeine of course, but please do mind our basic security rules and procedures to ensure that nothing leaks on to the cafe wifi.